Tuesday, 18 March 2025

New Things

Amongst all the monotony there have been a few new things here lately which I thought I'd show you. The first one isn't very exciting but extremely necessary.

My laptop Mabel (all my laptops are called Mabel) suddenly stopped working last month and, after  over a week at the repair shop, they came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth mending. Getting a new one was easy enough but it was hard work putting all my software and stuff back on it. It's all done now though so I'm able to get back to work. One good thing is that the new Mabel has a dark keyboard. I made the mistake of getting a silver one last time which meant I couldn't read the letters at all. My touch typing isn't bad but it is nice to be able to actually see what's written on the keys. Does anybody else have this problem?

Much more interesting was the arrival in January of my new recorder.

It's a Yamaha Bass and I bought it from Just Flutes, a woodwind specialist shop who for some reason sell it for a chunk less money than everywhere else. I first realised there were different sized recorders when a group visited my primary school with what were then called Descant, Treble, Tenor and Bass recorders. Now the two smaller sizes are generally called Soprano and Alto. I remember telling my Mum all about them when I got home and thinking maybe one day when my hands were bigger ...

My hands still aren't very big but I've had the first three of these sizes for some years now although I struggle with the reach on the tenor. I've been following Sarah Jeffery's Team Recorder for years (which I thoroughly recommend by the way) and she says that the reach on the bass is actually less than the tenor because it has keys for some of the holes. And she's right! Despite it being so big, I can reach all the notes much more easily on my new recorder and the sound is beautiful.

Mind you, working out how to play it without hurting my back took quite a bit of trial and error. I've ended up wearing the sling across my body rather than just round my neck and that, as well as constantly checking that I'm sitting up straight, seems to have done the trick.

The bass recorder, like the alto, is in F so you can play music written for the alto on it but I thought I'd challenge myself to use music written in the bass clef which is what is used in orchestras. It's harder to find but I ordered several books from Recorder Music Mail who have a very comprehensive catalogue.

As I've played the piano for over fifty years I thought reading bass music wouldn't be too much of a problem. Turns out I was wrong. I'm getting there though. At the moment I'm alternating between the bass and the alto every day so I do sometimes find myself playing the notes for the wrong recorder but it'll settle down eventually.

There's exciting news on the tenor recorder front too. Kunath have just brought out an amazing new recorder called the Sigo which is about the size of an alto recorder but sounds like a tenor. Isn't that exciting?. I am resisting the temptation but one day ... It's also very reasonably priced. If you'd like to know more, Sarah Jeffery did a great review of it on her channel - Sigo Recorder - and here's a little sample of what it can do.

Right. More new things. Isn't this the prettiest notebook ever? 

This notebook is the control centre for my 'make all the birthday cards I send in 2025' project (I know, catchy title) I had a lovely time going through all my saved patterns and kits, working out what to stitch for everyone on my list. I've ordered lots more threads which is always fun and I use my Sizzix machine to cut aperture cards as well as bobbins for all those new threads. 

I stitch most evenings and am really enjoying it. I've only got about three cards to go now and that's despite having well over twenty on my list - not to mention the two people who were inconsiderate enough to move house this year. I can't show you most of them as they haven't been given yet but here's my daughter's birthday card from February ...

... and those two new home cards ...

I did sneak in a bit of my normal cross stitch while waiting for a thread order so my Hogsmeade picture now has another building and a lamp post ready for Hedwig to sit on.

As well as cross stitch, I've used blackwork, ribbon embroidery and counted canvaswork for some of the cards which I've really enjoyed. The source for these patterns is often my collection of old 'New Stitches' magazines. This was unusual among stitching magazines in that it included lots of different techniques rather than just cross stitch. I'm gradually collecting old issues when I can find them and, just before Christmas, I bought a big pile from ebay.

One type of embroidery that I discovered through these magazines is Lagartera which is a lovely counted thread technique from Spain which can be used to make very nice geometric designs. And no, I can't show you the lagartera card I made yet. However, Mary Hickmott, the editor of 'New Stitches' published several booklets on different embroidery techniques (I have the hardanger ones which are very good) so I've been keeping an eye out for the one she wrote about lagartera. Then, a few weeks ago, I found not only the booklet but also a materials pack to go with it.

It includes all the fabric, threads and finishing bits and pieces to make everything in the book. I can't wait to make that bell pull later in the  year.

Now that I have a working laptop again I'm also trying to write up new patterns as there are a lot of finished things waiting to be published, not to mention an awful lot of half finished designs. Anyway, the next one will be this yellow garter stitch lace scarf, the first of far too many scarf patterns either in progress or waiting to be written up.

I'm also trying to tidy up my craft room after the avalanche of new Stylecraft Special colours which swamped my yarn storage system. I'm slowly getting it back under control. Theoretically, I know where all my craft things are now and this normally proves to be the case apart from ... when it doesn't.

For years I've been looking for a doll from the 1960s who reminds me of one my brother gave me one Christmas. Her name is Kelly and she came as an offer with Kelloggs cereal. One of the reasons I wanted her was that I have a booklet of knitting patterns for her clothes that Patons published specially for her and I though it would be nice to knit some of them. Anyway, I finally got lucky (ebay again) and, after re-stringing her arms and a bit of a tidy up, here she is.

She was only ever a cheaply made doll but I think she's rather nice and she came with her original clothes too which was a bonus. I bet you can guess what's coming next. I went to get the knitting booklet out and it wasn't there! Where have I put it? Who knows? So Kelly will have to wait a bit for her new clothes.

One more new thing which is not at all nice is that I've made a start on the next room in the house to be re-decorated and sorted out. This time I'm having to do it in two halves so, this morning, I made a start.

All I can say is that it looks worse in real life than in the picture. This was the damp corner and those dark patches are where the plaster crumbled as I took off the lining paper. So tomorrow I shall be up the ladder filling them all. That's if I can track the filler down. It will be better when I get on to the painting. At least you feel you're making progress then rather than going backwards.


  1. I am jealous of all your energy! I hope the filler part turns out to be easy. And be careful on that ladder.

    1. Actually, energy is one thing I don't have! Needs must though.

  2. I always enjoy reading your blog posts. I love the cross stitch cards, do they take you long to make?

    1. It varies. The kingfisher card took about three evenings but the new home ones took longer because they were solid stitching.
