Tuesday 1 March 2022

Spring Mantelpiece

Today is the first day of Spring, meteorologically speaking, so I thought you might like to see my newly decorated Spring mantelpiece.

The star of the show is my cross stitch sampler which I framed last week. Many of you will remember my daughter and I working on this series of samplers last year. I thoroughly enjoyed these projects, from the first stitches for each season ...

... to the last ...

It took me ages to decide on the mount and frame for each sampler but so far it's looking good.

I'm really pleased with that mount - I think we used to call that colour mauve.

Hanging above the mantelpiece is my Springtime Wreath from 2014. I had to re-attach one of the knitted chicks this year but, other than that, it's wearing well.

The rest of the ornaments are a combination of pretty things and little treasures. I'm a big fan of windmills (the toy variety, although I have no objection to working ones); these are probably the smallest ones I've got.

They're standing in one of my old green bottles. I'm trying to collect ten (obviously), each one different. They were displayed along the sash of the kitchen window ... until Tolly the cat knocked one off and broke it. He is a bad cat.

On the other side of the sampler is one of my little Polish Peg Dolls - another one of my collections. I thought her outfit looked particularly Spring-like.

Next to her there's another one of my little green bottles with a few random things on sticks that used to be my Mum's. She was partial to decorations on sticks; here we have a chick, a cat and a hen on a nest.

The yellow teapot has been retired from use after I broke the spout off. It has sentimental value and I don't want to risk breaking it further. My kitchen floor is tiled with old stone tiles - anything dropped on it breaks - so now the teapot just looks pretty. Next to it is a very pretty little coffee cup from the 1930s. I have a somewhat eclectic collection of pretty china cups, all of which get used. I thought the flowers on this one were especially nice.

I was going to round this post off with a photo of some of the Spring flowers in my garden but ... it's raining. Of course it is.


  1. A very pretty mantelpiece, and cheering too: looks like spring so maybe spring will show up some day. Hoping...
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank-you. The rest of the room could do with a good clean and tidy but at least I've got one pretty bit to look at!

  3. I’m working on my spring wreath but am losing my will to live: so many, many leaves to go. 😳Each leaf takes at least 10 minutes! I’m determined to finish it this year though….
    Thank you for all your lovely patterns!

  4. I know what you mean about the leaves. That's the worst bit though - all the rest of the patterns are quicker.

  5. That's a lovely spring mantelpiece. I love Polish Peg Dolls, and have a collection too!

    1. I had one with a red cloak as a child and, many years later, the collection grew from her.
