Monday 14 October 2019

Shawl for Faye

In a follow up to my last post, I've finished the Granny shawl I showed you.

Shawl for Faye is the result of a request from a crocheter who saw my Great Granny blanket pattern and asked how to make a triangular shawl in the same way. It just so happened that she caught me when I was missing having the blanket to work on so I said yes. I never normally design to order so this was a first.

When I looked into it, I found that there were lots of variations on working a simple Granny triangle so I played about until I had a version that was as simple to work as possible. I wanted to avoid any of those 'work into the top of the starting chain' instructions as they're always a pain. So, in my pattern, you only ever work stitches into the top of other stitches or into chain spaces - nice and easy.

I used eight shades of red, pink and brown for my shawl, plus a contrast colour to tie them all together. I used this contrast after a certain number of colours, much in the same way as I had for the blanket. The yarn is Stylecraft Special DK; I use this yarn such a lot. It's cheap, good quality and comes in a big range of colours. As I have colour pegs of all of them, choosing colours for a new project is easy.

I always think that the top edge of a crochet Granny triangle can look a bit unfinished so I added the border and edging to all three sides of my shawl. This is basically the same pattern as that on the blanket, although I had to adjust it a bit to allow for the different tension along the top edge.

I enjoyed making this shawl just as much as I did the blanket. It gave me the same necessary colour fix and, as a bonus, it was much, much quicker. I hope some of you (and especially, Faye) give this one a go and enjoy it as much as I did.


  1. I love Stylecraft Special DK. I used to buy it from a shop about a mile away but, unfortunately, it has now gone so I have to go further afield. It is very useful to be able to look at the colours first. I have mine wrapped around parcel tags with the names and numbers printed on.

  2. Yes, I used to buy mine locally but the shop no longer stocks all the colours so I get it online from Wool Warehouse instead.
