Thursday, 26 March 2020

Two Georges

My seventh birthday, over fifty years ago, is one that I remember particularly clearly. Partly because it was the first one I'd had to go to school on. My birthday is at the end of October which means that it often falls at half term. I don't think I normally had a party for my birthday but, that year, I had two. 

There was one at the weekend for my friends ...

That's me at the back in the blue dress and alice band, next to my best friend Heather (also wearing an alice band, that's how you know we were best friends). Heather emigrated to Australia about five years later and I haven't seen her since. If you look closely you can see the yellow Harlequin plates that were part of my Mum and Dad's wedding china. I still have some of that left and use it regularly.

Anyway, I also had a very special party on my actual birthday although, sadly, there are no photographs. I got off the school bus to find all my favourite dolls (including Hoppity the Space Hopper) grouped round a table full of miniature party food for me to share with them - tiny sandwiches, baby cakes ... I can still picture it and remember how excited I was when I saw it. My Mum was good at that sort of thing; I can also see her on another day, holding up my Tiny Tears doll to show me that she'd made her a new dress during the day.

I still treasure my Tiny Tears who now has to rely on me for new dresses.

You may be wondering where the Georges come in to this story. Well, the first was actually Georgie and he's a nightdress case. He was my seventh birthday present from Mum and Dad so he was an honoured guest at my dolls' birthday party. Here I am with him ...

You can just about see my 'I am 7' badge.

And the second George? He arrived in the post last weekend as a Mother's Day present from my daughter. I didn't know that Merrythought made other hedgehogs in the same family but meet small George ...

Isn't he lovely? He seems to have made friends with my original Georgie and he makes me smile every time I see him.

As you can tell, I was one of those children who really love their dolls - they were (and possibly still are) real to me. I might show you some of the others that I've kept one day.


  1. What a great trip down memory lane! I love the pictures. Thank you for giving me a smile. Now I have to go hug the teddy bear my mom's friend made for me when I was five. He's still in really good shape except for that one ear that I used to carry him by.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's the sign of a loved teddy if he's a bit battered. Mine is very fragile now.

  3. Lovely memories for you, and the photos. I remember my ninth birthday, no pictures, because it was the first birthday after my Dad died. He died very suddenly a month after my eighth birthday. My Mum had a lovely birthday cake made in the shape of a nine and covered in blue icing, which was my favourite colour. I also have my teddy bear, which my Dad gave me just before he died. He was a winder in his back, which when wound up plays the tune of Teddy Bear's Picnic. The tune gets slower and slower, presumably hoping that you've fallen asleep by the time it finishes. Great to remember these things.

  4. That's lovely, I'm so glad you still have your teddy bear. I well remember my son's sixth birthday, the first after his father died. I didn't want to cut the cake as his Dad hadn't seen it (you'll be glad to know that I did cut it!) I think it might have been the year I made him an 'Animals of Farthing Wood' cake ... or possibly his Mary Poppins one. I must look out the old photos.

  5. We have four Fluffs - two penguins, a bear and a mini-penguin - and they are all very real to us. All four have completely different personalities that emerged as we got to know them, and we'd both be devastated if anything happened to any of them. My family think we're a little odd (that's the polite word for it) but I honestly don't care!
