Wednesday 25 December 2019

Merry Christmas

Hello everyone and a very Merry Christmas to you all.

I'm just popping in to introduce my new pattern, published today as an extra gift to all the knitters who like my weird ideas.

Tetrahedrons is one of my oddities - patterns that are difficult to classify. Basically, these are tiny knitted shapes which can be sewn together to make decorations or anything else you can think of.

Personally, I started off by putting them in a bowl and playing with them from time to time. Then I took six and sewed them together to make a flexagon. You can fiddle with this endlessly, making it into different shapes.

And then I discovered - oh, joy of joys - that it fitted on my wrist too. 

I had a lot of trouble taking this photo. Trying to position one arm so that the knitting shows up properly while holding the camera steady with the other hand ...

The clever part about this pattern is that the shapes are knitted as double layers so they don't turn into shapeless lumps when they're stuffed. I was rather pleased with that idea. If you've never tried the double knitting technique - slip stitches, two separate layers knitted at once - then this pattern would be a good place to start.

Anyway, have fun with it and enjoy your Christmas.


  1. Hi Frankie. I have a query about your Whirligig pattern. I have reached the stage for decreasing and I am confused as the instructions don’t say : repeat the Dec row each row, or every 2nd row. Could you please let me know. I cannot wait to finish this, but I am not confident to decrease every row & then find it should have been every other row. Thank you Carol

  2. What you repeat is that whole line, marked with the asterisk. It's actually two very short rows, divided by a wrap and turn. I hope this helps.
